Презентация - Are you a good helper


Текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Are you a good helper, слайд 1

Are you a good helper?
3 класс Учебник “English 3” Кузовлева В.П. Учитель Манина Елена Станиславовна

Слайд 2

Are you a good helper, слайд 2

Задачи урока
1. Повторить лексический материал цикла(24 ЛЕ) Повторить правила чтения (Е в открытом и закрытом слогах и в сочетании ее и еа) Повторить грамматический материал (Past Simple – утвердительная форма, объектный падеж личных местоимений)

Слайд 3

Are you a good helper, слайд 3

Work about the house. Match the words in the left column with the words in the right one
gather apples set the table wash the dishes clean the car work in the garden feed pets make the bed sweep the paths cook meals clean the house
Мыть машину Заправлять кровать Кормить животных Собирать яблоки Накрывать на стол Мыть посуду Подметать дорожки Убирать в доме Работать в саду Готовить еду

Слайд 4

Are you a good helper, слайд 4

Past simple tense

Слайд 5

Are you a good helper, слайд 5

Work about the house. Find the second form
Make Set Sweep Feed Eat Have Be Sing Give Fly
was/were Swept Sang Gave Made Set Fed Flew Ate had

Слайд 6

Are you a good helper, слайд 6

Чак рассказывает о субботнем дне. What did his family do?
Saturday was a long day. My parents (0)worked (work) in the garden. They(1)__________(sweep) the paths. My grandma (2) ___________(cook) meal. She (3)__________(make) a tasty cake. My sister (4) __________ (set) the table. I (5) _________(wash) the dishes. In the evening we (6)___________(watch) TV. My brother (7)___________(play) football. I (9)___________(invite) my friends. We (10)____________(play) tricks.

Слайд 7

Are you a good helper, слайд 7

Help …

Слайд 8

Are you a good helper, слайд 8

Керк и его сестра и брат всегда помогают родителям и дедушке с бабушкой. Кому они помогали?
(0) Our mother washed the dishes. Helen helped her to wash the dishes. Our parents gathered apples. I helped________to gather apples. My sister dusted the furniture. Clive helped _________ to dust the furniture. 3. Our grandma cooked tasty food. Helen helped ________ to cook tasty food. 4. My brother fed the pets. I helped _______ to feed the pets. 5. Our mother made a cake. Helen helped _________ to make a cake. 6. Our father cleaned the car. My sister and I helped _________to clean the car.

Слайд 9

Are you a good helper, слайд 9

Reading rules

Слайд 10

Are you a good helper, слайд 10

Write it write
e/a ea/ee ea/ee ee/ea oo/u u/a
G______ther Sw______p cl______n F______d C______k D______st

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