Презентация - Пять самых необычных объектов во Вселенной

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Слайд 1

Пять самых необычных объектов во Вселенной, слайд 1

Author: Nidzy Maxim, school 31, 7 “A” Teacher: Eliseeva Julya Alexandrovna
The most unusual objects in the universe
Volgograd, 2016

Слайд 2

Пять самых необычных объектов во Вселенной, слайд 2

Space is huge… There is a huge number of different objects. There are usual objects but some are very unusual. And my presentation is about unusual objects.

Слайд 3

Пять самых необычных объектов во Вселенной, слайд 3

The oldest quasar
Some black holes have an impressive weight. When astronomers discovered an object ULAS J1120 + 0641, they were surprised. The mass of this quasar is two billion times more than that of the sun. ULAS - the oldest in the history of the quasar observations of the cosmos. ULAS is a huge source of energy, including radio waves and visible light.

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Пять самых необычных объектов во Вселенной, слайд 4

Yes, the oldest quasar`s really great! I can`t imagine such age!

Слайд 5

Пять самых необычных объектов во Вселенной, слайд 5

The smallest galaxy
Galaxies can be quite different. An example of this can be Segue2. In this galaxy is only about one thousand stars. It is extremely small. Only new modern telescopes find “midgets” like Segue2.

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Пять самых необычных объектов во Вселенной, слайд 6

The smallest object is fascinating! And do you know about the biggest one?

Слайд 7

Пять самых необычных объектов во Вселенной, слайд 7

Sloan Great Wall
This space object is incredibly huge. It seems huge, even compared with large objects like the sun. Sloan Great Wall is one of the largest structures in the universe. This is a cluster of galaxies. It is visible thanks to the microwave radiation. However, some scientists believe that the Sloan Great Wall can not be considered to be a structure due to the fact that not all galaxies have the same gravity.

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Пять самых необычных объектов во Вселенной, слайд 8

So huge and amazing! And do you know the history of the Moon?

Слайд 9

Пять самых необычных объектов во Вселенной, слайд 9

Four billion years ago the solar system was completely different. Space was filled with lots of rocks and chunks of ice that led to numerous clashes. Theia is a hypothetic planet that clashed the Earth. As the result the Moon appeared.

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Пять самых необычных объектов во Вселенной, слайд 10

The smallest planet
Kepler`s telescope runs out of space, which allowed him to make a lot of discoveries. In addition to many other planets telescope discovered Kepler 37-b. This little planet is less than Mercury and its diameter is only 200 kilometers more than that of the Moon.

Слайд 11

Пять самых необычных объектов во Вселенной, слайд 11

The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. They say, God has no intention of setting a limit to the efforts of man to space. Every new discovery is amazing, stunning as well as opening our minds to the Universe.

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