Презентация - St Valentine's Day


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St Valentine

Презентация по английскому языку для 7 класса на тему «Традиции и праздники. «День Святого Валентина»»
Автор: Редкова М.И. Учитель английского языка ГБОУ СОШ № 222 «ПЕТРИШУЛЕ» 2016г.
Holidays and Traditions St Valentine's Day

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St Valentine

St Valentine's Day
Holidays and Traditions

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St Valentine

St Valentine's Day
- What date is today? - Today is the 12th of February. - What date is tomorrow? - …the 13th of February. - What date is the day after tomorrow? - …the 14th of February. - What holiday is on the 14th of February? - St Valentine's Day!!!

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St Valentine

St. Valentine's Day is celebrated on the 14 th of FEBRUARY

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St Valentine

It is an unofficial holiday. It is celebrated on the 14th February by people who believe in love and friendship. Boys and girls, husbands and wives, just friends send nice cards to each other with warm greetings on the day.

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St Valentine

The Italian Priest Valentine
The legend tells us a story of an Italian priest(священник) Valentine who helped young people to marry. Valentine was in love with the jailer’s daughter (дочь тюремщика) St Valentine was executed (казнён).

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St Valentine

Before his death he sent a letter to his lover (возлюбленная) and signed (подписал): «From your Valentine». Valentine was executed on the 14 th of February in 269 , but people still remember him and celebrate this saint's day as a day of love.

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St Valentine

   The best presents are small chocolates and greeting cards in form of hearts. The words are simple: I'll be your sweetheart! I'll be your Valentine! Be my Valentine!

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St Valentine

Quiz ??????????

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St Valentine

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St Valentine

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St Valentine

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St Valentine

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St Valentine

Слайд 15

St Valentine

Слайд 16

St Valentine

Слайд 17

St Valentine

The train
The quiz
Making greeting cards

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