Презентация - Traveling And Transport


Текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Traveling And Transport, слайд 1

Traveling And Transport

Слайд 2

Traveling And Transport, слайд 2

Traveling And Transport Plan of the lesson:
1. Phonetic exercises; 2. Ways of traveling; 3. Game; 4. Dialogue 1; 5. Dialogue 2; 6. The place where you would like to go; 7. The results of the lesson.

Слайд 3

Traveling And Transport, слайд 3

Read the words after your teacher
Wind, ship, catch, miss, change, voyage, journey, fantastic, excellent, strong, weak, perhaps, arrive, flight, business class, sad, kind, platform, explain, single, return, ticket, luggage, ugly, fast, railway station, fly, airport, travel, tourist class, traffic, friendly, tired, nearly

Слайд 4

Traveling And Transport, слайд 4

Look at the pictures and say what means of traveling you know.

Слайд 5

Traveling And Transport, слайд 5


1.Дешевый 2.Лететь 3.Кричать
4.Воровать 5.Дружелюбный 6.Билет
7.Багаж l 8.Быстрый Дорогой

Слайд 6

Traveling And Transport, слайд 6

Объяснять explain Голос voice Печальный sad
Добрый kind Трясти shake Некрасивый ugly
Тарелка plate Забывать forget Прямой streight

Слайд 7

Traveling And Transport, слайд 7

Чувствовать feel Сильный strong Серебро silver
Возможно perhaps Прибывать arrive Почти nearly
Ветер wind Экспресс Fast train Слабый weak

Слайд 8

Traveling And Transport, слайд 8

Listen to the dialogue, read it . At the Railway Station
A: When is the train to Liverpool, please? B: 3.15, madam. A: Which platform? B: Platform seven. A: How much is the ticket? B: Single or return? A: Return, please. B: That will be 14 pounds. A: Here you are. B: Thank you, madam. A: Thank you. Make up your own dialogue and act it out. The table can help you.
City Platform Time Fare (single)
London 8 2.40 12 pounds
Brighton 3 7.15 8 pounds
Leeds 6 3.10 10 pounds
Bristol 2 11.20 7 pounds

Слайд 9

Traveling And Transport, слайд 9

Listen to the dialogue, read it . At the Airport
A: I would like a ticket to Moscow, please. B: When are you going to fly? A: Today or tomorrow, I think. B: Just a minute. I think flight 305 is the best for you. A: When is the flight? B: 7.40. A: Excellent. How much is the ticket? B: Business or tourist class? A: Tourist class, please. Business class is too expensive. Make up your own dialogue with your classmate and act it out.

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