Презентация - Big cities of English


Текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Big cities of English, слайд 1

Theme: “ Visiting big cities”

Слайд 2

Big cities of English, слайд 2

Ex11. p.33 Compare the two cities. Find similarities and differences.
London Both Astana
It lies on the river Thames They are both capitals. It’s on the Esil river.

Слайд 3

Big cities of English, слайд 3

Welcome to our Opening lesson!
Zhanaozen city, School №11 The teacher of English: Sabytayeva Bibigul Sarsenovna Form 6 «Ә»

Слайд 4

Big cities of English, слайд 4

Welcome to our opening lesson!
Theme: “ Visiting big cities”
The teacher of English: Sabytayeva Bibigul Sarsenovna Zhanaozen town, School №11

Слайд 5

Big cities of English, слайд 5

Homework 1.Retelling the dialogue 2. Learning the irregular verbs

Слайд 6

Big cities of English, слайд 6

New words

Слайд 7

Big cities of English, слайд 7

Слайд 8

Big cities of English, слайд 8

New words traffic lights Woods farm Bridge factory Car park field Swimming pool lake Theatre mountains Statue tall building Cottage pollution Underground fresh air Concert hall tram River Hills

Слайд 9

Big cities of English, слайд 9

Ex: 3. p. 30 a) Colin lives in a beautiful ____ in the village. b) Stop! The ____ are red. С) Astana has a lot of modern _____ . d) There’s a _____ of Abai in our city. _____ is a big problem in many big cities. There’s a ______ near my house where I can leave my car.

Слайд 10

Big cities of English, слайд 10

Ex:5 p. 30 I want to move the country because it is ___ noisy and ____ in the city where I live. There a lot of tall _____ in New York. Our city has a _____ of over 2 million people. Now big cities have problem with ____ and ____. We like spending our holiday on the sea ____ .

Слайд 11

Big cities of English, слайд 11

To work with Poster I group II group

Слайд 12

Big cities of English, слайд 12

Feedback ( Кері байланыс)

Слайд 13

Big cities of English, слайд 13

1.To write the Ex: 12 p. 33 2. To learn the dialogue 3. To retell about two Counties.

Слайд 14

Big cities of English, слайд 14

Слайд 15

Big cities of English, слайд 15

Good bye!!! Our lesson is over!!!

Слайд 16

Big cities of English, слайд 16

Traffic lights
How did you understand to the theme today?
1.Green -- I understood all of them 2. Yellow- I understood but I was any mistakes 3. Red- I didn’t understand

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