Презентация - India


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Слайд 1

India, слайд 1

Performed: Didenko Irina schoolgirl 9 class B secondary school № 23

Слайд 2

India, слайд 2

Where the country is located?
India is in South Asia and occupies a peninsula called Indian subcontinent. Washed by the waters of the East Bay of Bengal, and from the west - the Arabian Sea.

Слайд 3

India, слайд 3

When the conflict began?
Sino-Indian border conflict started 1 to 10 October 1967 in the Indian state of Sikkim. It consists of two separate battles - in the area Natulya and Cholas.

Слайд 4

India, слайд 4

Prehistory of the conflict
After the Sino-Indian war of 1962, relations between the two countries remained strained. In 1965, Chinese troops launched a series of attacks on Indian territory in the state of Sikkim.

Слайд 5

India, слайд 5

Beginning of the conflict
In September 1967 the Indian border post was attacked in Natulya superior Chinese forces. Fighting was going on for five days, all the Chinese ground attacks were repulsed. The sides exchanged artillery strikes, with the Indian artillery inflicted heavy losses. During the conflict, killing 62 Indian soldiers, the loss of the Chinese side is unknown.

Слайд 6

India, слайд 6

http://elhow.ru/ucheba/geografija/mestopolozhenie/gde-nahoditsja-indija http://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/ruwiki/423427

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