Презентация - Memory


Текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Memory, слайд 1

Educational: to develop student’s ability to talk about their health in general; to recycle the vocabulary on the given theme; Developing: to develop pupils’ skills and habits in speech through asking questions; to develop the pupils’ speaking, listening and writing habits; to develop critical thinking, logical speech; to develop reading skills. Brining – up: to bring up feelings of improving their memorizing.

Слайд 2

Memory, слайд 2

Form: 10 Teacher: Utarshiyeva Gulzada
The 16th of January

Слайд 3

Memory, слайд 3

Слайд 4

Memory, слайд 4

Answer the following questions.
How many phone numbers and dates of birth can you remember? Where were the Olympic games in 2004? Do you remember your first teacher’s name? When is your parents` wedding anniversary?

Слайд 5

Memory, слайд 5

Who has the best memory?

Слайд 6

Memory, слайд 6

Pack of cards – ойын картасының бір жиынтығы Enormous – үлкен, орасан зор Recently – жақында Brain – ми Amount – мөлшер Improve – жетілдіру Familiar – таныс
Active vocabulary

Слайд 7

Memory, слайд 7

Reading. The work with the text

Слайд 8

Memory, слайд 8

2nd round
Similarities and differences

Слайд 9

Memory, слайд 9

Vocabulary task – To match the words with their definitions To change the words in italics using the words from the text

Слайд 10

Memory, слайд 10

The territory of Kazakhstan is great. His answer sounded a bit strange. I`ve been learning English for 3 years. It has become better. The largest quantity of money was spent on food.

Слайд 11

Memory, слайд 11

Countable and uncountable nouns

Слайд 12

Memory, слайд 12

Accommodation Air Advice Baggage Luck Luggage Noise Paper Patience Permission Blood Behavior Bread Chaos Progress Scenery Space Traffic Damage Electricity Furniture Information Weather Work
The following nouns are countable in English

Слайд 13

Memory, слайд 13

Words used before countable nouns Words used before uncountable nouns Words used before both
a/an Each Every Many Few A few A large number of These/those several Much Little A little A great deal of A large amount of The My Some this/that Any Lots of Plenty of A lot of
Much, many, few, little are used in questions and negatives, but not often in positive statements Much, many, few, little are used in questions and negatives, but not often in positive statements Much, many, few, little are used in questions and negatives, but not often in positive statements

Слайд 14

Memory, слайд 14

Island Beach Health Diet Herb Cake Information Pasta Toast Bowl Bread Butter Cancer Secret
Outstripping task - Which of these words are countable?

Слайд 15

Memory, слайд 15

Test your grammar!

Слайд 16

Memory, слайд 16

A few – books, money, people, time Not many – accidents, food, bread, apples Several – paper, letters, rooms, glasses Very little – water, cheese, grapes, food Not much – snow, pens, desks, rain A lot – houses, energy, information, cakes Enough – sweets, vegetables, fruits, fish Plenty of – liquid, fresh air, friends, clothes
All the word are suitable

Слайд 17

Memory, слайд 17

* Learn a training material with desire to know and remember. * Learn in the small portions. it is difficultly to learn the long poem at once. * Repeat the learned many times. * Having learned small part of the text, it is necessary to retell it several times
Checklist for the development of memory

Слайд 18

Memory, слайд 18

How to improve your memory When you go to bed, remember everything you did that day 2. Remember things in pictures, not words. Words are difficult to remember, but pictures are easy. For example, if you want to remember the name Kate, think of a cat. For the number 8814, think of two snowmen, a tree and a bird.

Слайд 19

Memory, слайд 19

Home Task: Exercise 14p155

Слайд 20

Memory, слайд 20

Слайд 21

Memory, слайд 21

Thank you, good luck!

Слайд 22

Memory, слайд 22

Countable nouns only Uncountable nouns only Both countable and uncountable nouns