Презентация - Phrasal verbs


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Phrasal verbs, слайд 1


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Phrasal verbs, слайд 2

Phrasal verbs are the complex verbs which consist of some words (VERB+Preposition or adverb)(Фразовые глаголы – это сложные глаголы, которые состоят из нескольких слов (глагол+предлог или наречие))
Verb + preposition Verb + adverb Verb + adverb + preposition
Back in – вмешиваться Wait for – ждать Look after – при­смат­ри­вать Break down –  ло­мать­ся Come back –  воз­вра­щать­ся Give away –  от­да­вать Get on with –  ладить с Look forward to –  ожи­дать с нетер­пе­ни­ем Run out of –  из­рас­хо­до­вать

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Phrasal verbs, слайд 3

Phrasal verbs transitive(переходные) intransitive(непереходные) She is looking for a book Suddenly the sun came up The police broke up the fight The lesson is over He made up the story I often wake up early

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Phrasal verbs, слайд 4

Transitive verbs
Transitive verbs are verbs that can take a direct object verb direct object # They turned down my plan turned down “what” MOST VERBS ARE TRANSITIVE Ask “What” or “whom” to find a transitive verb

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Phrasal verbs, слайд 5

Intransitive verbs
Intransitive verbs are verbs that can’t have a direct object # You will break down if you work too hard. break down - сломаться (перестать функционировать), ухудшаться # My mother gets me up early in the morning get up – подниматься, вставать

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Phrasal verbs, слайд 6

Intransitive verbs don’t have a passive form # She never gave up (the verb “gave” is the second form of the verb “to give”) It is intransitive # She was never given up !!! (there is no passive form of the verb “to give”)

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Phrasal verbs, слайд 7

The SAME phrasal verbs can be both transitive and intransitive look up (‘get better, improve’) = intransitive: After a horrible last year things are starting to look up. The verb look up with the above meaning is intransitive, so it has no object. When look up means ‘look for a word’ it is transitive – word is its object: look up (‘look in the dictionary for a word’) = transitive: I often look up words in the dictionary.

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Phrasal verbs, слайд 8

Transitive verbs
separable (разделяемые)
The phrasal verb and the preposition can be separated, putting the object in the middle
inseparable (неразделяемые)
The phrasal verb and the preposition can’t be separated, they must stay together

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Phrasal verbs, слайд 9

# This is very important information. Please write it down. # It's terribly cold out! Please put your coat on before you go out.
# Get off that motorcycle if you don't have a helmet! # This is such a big city! I'm always surprised when I run into someone I know on the street.